Mission: to educate and make children happy. In its long history, the Ginocchio family has always remained faithful to its initial approach, that is, to specialize in traditional, simple products that stimulate children's creativity and that, while respecting safety, fall within a medium-low price range. This type of product, superficially considered "poor", actually has a fundamental educational importance for children. There is a large literature that praises simple toys over complex, so-called "intelligent" ones. In fact, the latter, being more elaborate and with rigid functions, put a brake on "do it yourself" and children's imagination; the former, on the other hand, leave them freer to experiment, and stimulate their creativity, increasing the possibilities of use that they can make of them. The specialization of our offer has proven to be successful and has allowed the Company to last over time, despite the epochal changes that have upset trade in general and the world of toys in particular. The credo that inspired the Ginocchio family's working history can be summed up as follows: "our type of toy never fades"; as long as there are children, our toys will exist: for educational reasons, being fundamental for the well-being of children; for economic reasons, guaranteeing sure commercial success to all those who value them.